
Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets

Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets



Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets are pain-curing tablets. These tablets belong to the class of drugs known as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs). Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets help to relieve conditions such as nerve pain, muscular pain, back pain, gouty arthritis, toothache, osteoarthritis, and many more inflammatory problems.

Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets are formed by combining two drugs, Etoricoxib and Paracetamol tablets which help in clogging the entrance of some chemicals called cyclo-oxygenase (COX) in our brain which causes fever and pain. These tablets are to be consumed with the consultation of your doctor only. You are guided to take Etoricoxib and Paracetamol tablets for as long as your physician has told you.

Working of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets

These are the pain curing tablets. Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets belong to the group of medicines known as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs) which help provide relief from inflammatory and pain issues like gouty arthritis, toothache, osteoarthritis,  nerve pain, muscular pain, and back pain by clogging the entrance of some chemicals called cyclo-oxygenase (COX) in our brain which causes fever, pain, and inflammatory problems.

Advantages Of Consuming Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets:-

Consuming these tablets can help you relieve the following problems:-

  1. The composition of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol helps in stopping the chemicals from entering the brain which helps in preventing fever.
  2. These tablets help in resolving inflammatory and pain issues like nerve pain, muscular pain, back pain, gouty arthritis, toothache, osteoarthritis, and so on.
  3. These tablets can be consumed for both major and minor problems and will start relieving your body within 15-20 minutes.

Warnings before using Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets:-

Mentioned below are some of the warnings that you need to take care of before consuming Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets:-

  1. Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets should not be given to children as there is no guarantee for their safety. Consult your doctors before giving these tablets to your children as they may harm them.
  2. Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets make you feel sleepy and tired. So you are advised not to drive and lift machinery with a heavyweight.
  3. If you are allergic to Etoricoxib and Paracetamol, consult your doctor beforehand as it may leave side effects like body rashes on you.
  4. If you had any medical history before, tell your doctor so that he can give you accordingly. If you have kidney or liver disease, talk to your doctor before consuming Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets.
  5. If you are pregnant or you are planning to conceive, speak to your doctor first so as to prevent yourself from side effects or disease.
  6. If you are a breastfeeding mother, tell your doctor, as sometimes the drugs can get mixed with milk and can harm the baby.
  7. You are advised not to consume alcohol while you are on the medication for Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets.

Side Effects of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets:-

Some of the common side effects of  Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets are:-

  1. Swelling
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Skin rash
  4. Constipation

Health Advice

Here are some health tips that you need to follow while on the medication for Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets:-

  1. Avoid the consumption of alcohol and smoking as it may result in stomach bleeding.
  2. Work on your physical fitness for at least 30 minutes which can help relieve your muscles.
  3. Try to get a good and sound sleep for a maximum of 8 hours.
  4. Consume a healthy diet which can make your body feel active and energetic.
  5. Eat antioxidant food like spinach, dark chocolate, and berries.
  6. Yoga and body massage may also help you.

Drug Interaction Advice for Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets:-

Do not consume Etoricoxib and Paracetamol Tablets mixed with other drugs as it can leave some worse side effects.

  1. Aspirin
  2. Lithium
  3. Ranitidine
  4. Ramipril
  5. Valsartan

Storage advice

You are recommended to store this syrup in a cool dry place or at your room temperature below 30°C.